Tuesday, October 11, 2011

I have no answers

There is no help for complications from the misuse of this product.  We are just screwed up now.  Our immune systems are screwed up. Thanks Dr for suggesting this product be used on me.  You described it as "very safe".  I can not get back my face, my health or the facets of my life that are now only a memory.  You Suck.

1 comment:

  1. I'm sorry what u went through. I know it's a horrible product as I have had to have surgery too. It also doesn't go away in 2 years like they tell people.


Thank You for commenting, doing so could stop someone from using this awful product. When the medical malpractice appeal is complete I will post the transcripts on www.sculptradamage.com. I will also share with every patient advocate group and medical authority I can think of. Until then say a prayer that the Judges look for justice and not some assholes tap dancing show.