Monday, June 22, 2009

sculptra implant biofilm diognosis

Today I went to the opthalmic plastic surgeon. I had two exploding face infections since the surgery to debulk in April. I have been told, all we can do is try to keep on top of infections and wait for the sculptra to fully metabolize. For those who dont know, Sculptra microspheres do not metabolize and go away for a full 3 years, minimally. Most plastic surgeons say that the cosmetic result lasts for about 2 years, but they dont tell you - that for those of us whose bodies have decided the microspheres are our enemy, and continue to form granulomatous inflammatory tissue in response to it, we unlucky few, will continue to have reactions until it is gone. So I had a horrible infection that actually exploded through the skin in 4 locations (it is being cultured. I write this a week later and i still have an open wound that has not closed. A biofilm is an A typical bacterial (or other type) of infection that has attached itself to the implant. Remember sculptra is considered an implant. I gave up and am out on disability at half pay. A 23 year career is ruined. My pension will be almost cut in half if I can get disability retirement. Sculptra Sucks Ass.


  1. All I can tell you is that a board certified plastic surgeon FACS who was with a reputable practice and was handsome and charming and seemingly intellegent injectected my face, improperly most likely, but still I have had nothing but it has been brutal to survive this.

  2. I have really painful granulomas in my chin below the jowl. Doctor just said no it's not the sculptra. Ha ha yeah right. I'm 32 !nd my throat swells from this and my face constantly swells up and down. It's disfiguring when it swells looks like a stroke.


Thank You for commenting, doing so could stop someone from using this awful product. When the medical malpractice appeal is complete I will post the transcripts on I will also share with every patient advocate group and medical authority I can think of. Until then say a prayer that the Judges look for justice and not some assholes tap dancing show.